09. Coding Exercise

Coding Exercise

Please use the next concept to complete the following sections of Monte_Carlo.ipynb:

  • Part 0: Explore BlackjackEnv
  • Part 1: MC Prediction

To reference the pseudocode while working on the notebook, you are encouraged to look at this sheet.

## Important Note

Please do not complete the entire notebook in the next concept - you should only complete Part 0 and Part 1. The final part of the notebook will be addressed later in the lesson.

## Download the Exercise

If you would prefer to work on your own machine, you can download the exercise from the DRLND GitHub repository.

## Check Your Implementation

Once you have completed the exercise, you can check your solution by looking at the corresponding sections in Monte_Carlo_Solution.ipynb. Watch the video below to see a solution walkthrough!

Note that the Jupyter interface will look slightly different, since at one point we experimented with JupyterLab. However, all of the Python code is the same as you see in the videos!

MC Prediction - Solution Walkthrough